- According to a study in the journal Science, a dog’s brain process works similarly to the human brain. Dogs can identify 150 words.

- Immediately after birth, it can’t see or hear anything; it’s blind and deaf. Puppies are also born without any teeth. So, their first sense is experiencing the touch. So, when you get a chance to pick up a little puppy, be very gentle with it.

- It takes about one to two weeks for a puppy to open its eyes.

- Every year, the largest network of pet sitters and dog walkers in the U.S. U.S. release their report with the most popular dog names. In 2017, the most popular male dog names were Max, Charlie, Cooper and Bella, Lucy and Daisy, for female dogs.
- It is estimated that there are approximately 400 million dogs worldwide. The United States has the highest pet dog population in the world, around 78 million. France is in second place.
- A dog’s life is much shorter than a human’s. On average, a dog lives ten to fourteen years.
- On average, for each human baby being born, fifteen dogs are born in the United States. You don’t need to be a mathematician to see that, with these birth rates, a lot of puppies may have trouble finding a home. For this reason, it is recommended that you spay or neuter your dog.
- Dogs are also similar to humans. They need to brush their teeth to prevent cavities and gum diseases. Dogs cannot brush their teeth, so as a dog owner, you can brush your dog’s teeth with a small soft toothbrush every day, or at least a few times per week. Dog toothpaste is available in pet stores. Annual dental check-ups also very important to maintain your dog’s dental health.
- According to a 2016 survey conducted by the Banfield pet hospital in the United Kingdom, 82% of employees feel more loyal towards a pet-friendly company. Also, 88% of them believe that having a pet at work improves morale and 86% of employees say a pet at work reduces stress. There is also scientific evidence that supports the claim that having a pet around at work can reduce stress and increase happiness. However, only 8% of employers in the U.S. and the U.K. allow their employees to bring their pets to work.
- In Thailand, there are many stray dogs. Thailand people do not like to care for older dogs because they are no longer cute. Another reason is that spay-neuter is not common in Thailand, so the dog population is increased more rapidly. Many stray dogs end up at one of the many Buddhist temples, where they are taken care of by orange-robed monks.
- Dogs have three eyelids. We have only two eyelids, an upper lid and a lower lid. However, they also have a third lid that protects their eyes by keeping them moist.
- Dogs have far superior hearing than humans: they can hear four times as far as we can. Moreover, a dog’s frequency range is also wider than that of humans. It can hear high pitched sounds up to 45,000 Hertz, whereas a human can only hear sounds up to 23,000 Hertz.
- One scientific study found that petting a dog and talking to it lowers blood pressure more than having a conversation with a human being.
- A pregnant dog carries her puppies for roughly 9 weeks. That’s a lot shorter than the 9 months a woman carries her baby!
- Puppies spend 90% of its their first weeks sleeping. They spend the remaining 10% on eating. As they start their lives, they need a lot of rest, so their body can grow and develop. Similar to human babies, their sleeping time goes down to approximately fourteen hours per day when they are a few weeks old. An adult dog sleeps about ten hours per day.
- Similar to fingerprints in humans, every dog has a unique nose print.
- Not all dogs bark: the Basenji doesn’t bark. Instead, it can yodel.
- Dogs have about 1,700 taste buds. That is more than cats, who have about 470, but a lot less than humans, who have around 9,000 taste buds.
- Ever wondered why a dog’s nose is so wet? There are a few reasons. First, a wet nose allows them to smell better by making a thin layer of mucus that helps to absorb scent chemicals. Another reason why their nose is so wet is because they simply lick it so much.
20. Some dogs are smarter than others. Border Collies and Poodles are considered to be the most intelligent dog breeds.
21. Dogs have very powerful noses. According to scientific studies, they can even detect certain early stage illnesses in human beings, such as lung cancer. So, if your dog behaves in a strange way around you after it smelled your breath, there may be cause for concern!
22. Smaller dog breeds mature faster than larger dog breeds. Smaller breeds also live longer than larger breeds.
23. Dogs cannot read clocks, but they do have a sense of time. They are able to pick up on our habits and routines. Also, according to one study, they are able to sense how much time has passed. So don’t leave your dog alone for hours: it will be able to sense you’ve been away for a long time!
24. By closely monitoring its tail, you can tell how a dog is feeling. If it’s a big helicopter-like rotation, you’re looking at a very friendly dog. However, if the tail moves up and down rapidly, in a stiff motion, the dog is excited and focused.
25. Dogs come in all sorts and sizes. However, only one can be the largest breed: the Irish Wolfhound. However, the largest dog ever recorded was not an Irish Wolfhound. That honor goes to a Great Dane named Zeus. In 2011, he measured 44 inches tall